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Showing posts from February, 2013

Must-know facts About Thai gays (Part VII) : I know it best!

Good weekend sir! Here I am again to write some more stories that I've stocked and waited to flow them out for you all to read and learn. My today article is something in Thai guy that can irk you more than Nicki Minaj's music it's the concept of "ego" in general Thai guy or as known as "I know it best" You guys might have confronted with this annoying situation when you had the time to discuss something with your boyfriend and suddenly when it came to the topic that you both didn't agree with each other and you know you were right but your boyfriend thought he was right as well. Because he is asian and people think that asian is really intelligent, he fought till his last breath and most of the time he would show that "he knew it best" while it's all wrong. Why? I think it's all about "losing face" again. Whenever your guy tries to argue with you about something he misunderstands it can be that he knows that ...

Must-know facts About Thai gays (Part VI) : He has super sugary tongue!

Hello gay guys! I am back again and today I have something that I really really want you guys to know about Thai guys. It's about "sweet tongue" Well, I don't mean about "kissing" or anything! Contrastly, it's about how your boyfriend speaks with you in an overly sweet conversation that you can't believe it was him talking. Cross the sweet kind of boyfriend out because they are congenitally sweet but I am talking about general thai guy if you haven't read about how thai boyfriend doesn't like to show his feeling of love read this entry . As in the entry said that normal Thai guys don't like to show their feeling of love but they like to show it in action more, it would be non sense how someday your boyfriend comes up with something really sweet. Well, there's a case that your boyfriend wants to be sweet because it's a special occasion or he wants to make you so good that time but it lasts just a day or two...maybe less. When...

Must-know facts About Thai gays (Part V) : Another common problem you might see again!

Hello guys!!!! I do apologize for being absent as I've been working so hard in my class ( if class means chatting online and spending time on gayromeo but here I am Before I start to write anything, I would like brag something about my own pride on Valentine's day! NOT THAT I JUST HAD BOYFRIEND(which is sad) Contrastly! I just won the English speech competition! well, that can be worth as I spent like 6 hours in the competition so I didn't have much time to moan about being SINGLE! - Yeah Gay rules! Alrighty! Today I feel like continuing the previous entry which is about the "common problem" and the story today can be really general for someone - yet it can be really really shocking for those who never knew about this Your Privacy is totally invalid!!   I've written in my previous entries - quite often tho - about how your boyfriend will know about you and some other guy, you may think that it would come from his friends who are everywhere in the ci...