Good weekend sir! Here I am again to write some more stories that I've stocked and waited to flow them out for you all to read and learn. My today article is something in Thai guy that can irk you more than Nicki Minaj's music it's the concept of "ego" in general Thai guy or as known as "I know it best" You guys might have confronted with this annoying situation when you had the time to discuss something with your boyfriend and suddenly when it came to the topic that you both didn't agree with each other and you know you were right but your boyfriend thought he was right as well. Because he is asian and people think that asian is really intelligent, he fought till his last breath and most of the time he would show that "he knew it best" while it's all wrong. Why? I think it's all about "losing face" again. Whenever your guy tries to argue with you about something he misunderstands it can be that he knows that ...
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