Hello gay guys!
First, I have to apologize for you 2 things in this article…
1.) This article is not meant for you all westerners, on the other hand, it is for my people, thai gays.
2.) I told you guys before I wouldn't use the word "Farang" in this blog but this is really specific for Thai gays so it would be a bit conflicting.
Alright if you, westerners, are reading this along with me it can be great as well because I am going to explain my people about the most irritating but important thing - Money.
Yes, Thai people have been taught for ages that all westerners have a lot of money to spend in Thailand as they can see it everyday that you guys spend money in Thailand like that money is just a bunch of leaves.
Alright, my people! Now behold, I have a ton of "Farang" friends telling me about our mistaken thought over their money. You see, we all have this kind of live circle - born, study and work.
And work is what I am focusing on. I am not sure how many of you who are reading my fabulous blog are workers or not but as you guys that working in Thaland - if you are not really talented - you wouldn't get paid a lot and it is like the nature of thai gay to be fond of party or we are party animals… Of course with that low payment we wouldn't be able to afford it but being with foreigners would nice as they would always support your drink payment.
You may think it is really normal for them.
Time to reconsider about that, guys!
You see, you guys have to work to earn money so do they and they have to work all year long or maybe 2 years before coming to Thailand which they consider it as their best holiday. Of course they don't mind paying for you because it wouldn't make them skint for a couple of drinks but please…
PLEASE forget about "always"
Here is the thing I always when I go party with my western friends. If I don't have much money that time, I would limit my spendings and let my friends know how much I can spend …believe me they will understand you or if you are lucky they would offer to pay for you.
Just don't say yes while you are broke and go along way with them and later on become their burden as they have to pay for you or they have to worry about you not having fun.
So be honest to them and if you want friendship it should be over "money" - and please quit thinking that "they are farangs, they have to always pay" you can pay for them sometimes if you feel like to. You should be Greng Jai sometimes, guys.
So for me, I would say "When I have friend, I always forget about money but I have to be careful about my money and their money"
and your friendship will last longer than you usually have.
So guys, it's friday soon!
Time to go party!
I am getting ready now :)
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