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Must-know facts about Thai gays! (part I)

I am sooooooo sure that many many of you have had experienced to meet up with some thai guys unless you wouldn't be reading this article!
I am sure there are so many things you're still so confused. There might be millions of times that 'why' questions popped up in your head like you are 3 year-old boy who just get to know the world. 
Even though you have had met up maybe more than a thousand of thai guys (as friends or whatever it can be) you still don't understand it all about Thai guys...
Here are some facts that will tell you about what is hidden under that dark, smooth and sexy skin. 

 Iceberg culture 

Let me put this in the easiest way to explain. Have you ever asked your Thai guy if he wants something on the dining table on your first date? Or even asked if he needed your helps?
Well, literally he might say no but what he was thinking that time was maybe on the other hand.

What I want to tell you is that ALMOST Thai guys don't mean what they say if it means something that will lead to awkward moments or something that will be some burden to the others.

Therefore, they choose to say something that will least disturb you.

Not only about help issue but it also mens about 'relationship' It's kind of big thing, I can guarantee as this thing is really classic conflict between Thai guy and his western boyfriend.

Just like the iceberg that you can see only its apex area but there is a really really huge area under the water that is really really difficult to see. Alright let me put this in some example from the reality.

Well, if you have or had Thai boyfriend, you might face this situation when you wanted to meet up with your another Thai friends or 'friend' and you wanted to be honest to your boy friend so you told your boyfriend the truth, not for asking for permission or anything, your boyfriend appeared to be fine with that (just want you to know this is the apex area of the iceberg) After your conversation with your boyfriend finished, everything was fine... now it's time for you to meet up with your friends or 'friend' (the reason I emphasise the word 'friend' is because it's a big fact for the thing that will happen after this)
Now it is like the climax of the story, as you came back from meeting up, you would feel something wrong with your boyfriend. There would be some evil feeling for you. You boyfriend would come up with some weird symptoms like extremely silent, ignoring and emotional. Don't even think about asking the most 'risky' question, "what's wrong baby?" That's not a good idea at all guys. Your boyfriend would give you another evil signs by looking at you and leaving you behind. That's when you need to dive down in the cold ocean to find out what's under the sea, I know it's difficult to find the rest part of the iceberg.
As you couldn't know what is wrong with your boyfriend now and the best thing you could do was to keep asking the same question. I want you to know one thing, when you ask that question 'what's wrong?' your boyfriend takes it very serious and offended as he expected you to know WHAT IS WRONG. Yeah, you shouldn't meet up with your friends especially 'friend'
Because while you were having good time with your friends or 'friend' (even they are your best friends) your boyfriend didn't think it was just a normal conversation, now you know what i mean right?
And DON'T even ignore your boyfriend emotional moment (if you still want to be with your boyfriend happily forever) It's a real nightmare believe me. 

How to solve this problem?

First, it's impossible for you to not have friend here in Thailand and second sometimes you can't help meeting up with your friend as 'being westerner' in Thailand is really special, even you think you don't look good but there are a million of Thai guys who would eat you alive here.
The point is, your Thai boyfriend is totally pre cautious about everything that will approach you especially Thai guys. This may sound so psycho for you but hey this is the way we are.
Now you know that almost... no! ALL thai guys have this gland in their bodies, jealousy gland. It's all about how big the gland is for each person. And your being friendly activity will disturb that gland in the big big way.

What you have to do every time you want to meet your friends are;

1.) Take your boyfriend with you - this will solve everything once and for all as you are in your boyfriend's eyes all the time
2.) Or if you don't feel comfortable taking your boyfriend with you just be honest with him about your friend BUT! you can't be too honest... you may feel weird for this but while you are talking about your friends whom you are gonna meet, just make sure you don't forget to make your boyfriend feels like he's your world. Anyway, this won't stop him from being paranoid but that can decrease the degree of jealousy in him.
3.) Just tell your friends to hang around your place so that you can introduce your boyfriend to your friends but if it's a 'friend' then go back to read the other 2 items LOL

I hope this article will make you understand more about Thai guys but I wanna tell you guys that
NOT ALL Thai guys are like this. It is just really average and common thing you might see in Thai gay society.

The best thing to keep your relationship going, whether your Thai boyfriend is overly attached or super jealousy machine, is to gain trust everyday and to find your own way to understand each other. It's so difficult to love someone but it's more difficult to still love someone in certain of time.

I can't really say I am really expert on this but what I usually do is to hang out and meet up with different people in order to perceive their common problem in their relationship.
Well, now I think I need to find out what is the next part should be.

Have a lovely gay day!


  1. Hey,

    great blog and very interesting posts.

    Actually this topic has always confused me. I mean Western (like myself) can also be jealous and some Western can be as extrem in this as Thais. If you can live with that ore try to change the mantality of your boyfriend is one aspect.

    However what I never understood is why somebody expect someone else to know what they are thinking. I mean nobody can read other peoples mind (at least nobody I met) and as I have to learn what my partner ticks he as to learn what I handle things.

    Communication is the one most important aspect in this regards. Is the same as with all the other things. If you dont ask you will never learn.

    So why are Thai so pissed if you ask?

    1. Hi Tobias,
      Thank you for your visit to my blog
      I am so glad there's someone really reads it and ask me questions :)

      First thing, every single person can be really jealous, it's normal. I am sure you guys can be as jealous as we are. However, the point of being jealous for Thai guys is... they have no reasons or they just wanna be jealous when they want to be.

      And the reason why the guy expects his partner to 'know' what he is thinking is that (this may sound so absurd but believe me it's true!) he wants his guy to pay attention to him 'always' as it means that his guy really loves him and considers that he is his world. So the his partner should even know when doesn't tell that he's angry.
      Another reason, As I mentioned about iceberg culture above, yeah this is it. Some guy doesn't wanna express his feeling that much as he is afraid that you may not please with what he is thinking about you. So he better keep it inside and when it comes to the overwhelming state, he feels so offended.
      Well, this topic is totally delicate as the reason of being drama queen depends on individual reasons.

      The last thing about the questions you ask, well, we have something really unique - let's say it's not for only gay but every Thai person - like I said, they expect you to know if they are angry or not because they don't wanna tell you, if they tell it means that they ask you to soothe them, which is embarrassing for them. What you have to do is to observe their actions and what they do you will see the sign and one thing "start with gentle talk at first couple of times you meet the guy"
      You someday I really hope that the discovery channel would have a documentary about Thai culture as there are so many things to tell people. LOL

      Anyway, Tobias. If you feel so confused about some please do let me know and I will help you as best as I can!

      Have a lovely time,

    2. Hi Scotty,

      Thank you for the explanation and don't worry there are people reading the blog. It just takes some time till they start commenting ;)

      So if a Thai would expect me to know him so well I guess at least I can play the game too and make also some drama if he doesnt understand me haha.

      On the other hand I understand the problem of feeling uncomfortable of telling things that might either be not nice for yourself to tell or for the other one to hear. But hey there need to be a strategy to talk about problems somehow!?

    3. You this thing is something we really need a serious conversation in person as writing as text cannot tell 100% of what I really wanna tell.

      I really wanna have a time to meet up with some foreigners who wanna to know about this and I can explain all of these in person

      and I am totally glad to help you guys out about this
      as I could feel somehow that it's really irritating for you guys

  2. Now gotta find a Thai boy then :)


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