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Must-know facts About Thai gays (Part IV) : Really common problem you might see during the time you are in relationship with your Thai Boyfriend

Well, I had a chance to speak with one of my friends who is actually confronting with some drama things with his boyfriend every single day - well, let's just say the things are on and off. After talking with him on Facebook, I could realize some problems you might see during the time you spent with your Thai boyfriend. 

His love is more likely to be action, not feeling! 

Let me tell you about Thai people in the past; when a guy got married with a woman, the woman would then be housewife and there's no need for them to work outside the house which means the housewife had to do all the house chore. This thing has been engraved in Thai people's brain for long long time until it became part of our culture, even so many things have changed right now. 
Why did I talk about 'woman'? 
I just want you to know that some Thai gay guys consider themselves as your 'housewives' which means they need to do some house chores to show you that they really love you. 

Another aspect - as a Thai - when it comes to the feeling and emotion, it is really difficult for us to express our feeling. Especially, the feeling of 'love' as we have the whole concept of being 'shy' you may think that it's so ridiculous as a lot of Thai gay guys can do a lot of bizarre things without feeling ashamed in public but how come they can't show their feeling of love even in the private area. Well, we have this kind of thought that if we love someone, it's better to show him by action so he can see it right there, the guy doesn't need to feel curious and it is so easy and quick to show "love". 

To make it simple, I have some words for you "We perform in bed better than showing our feeling of love" Agree it or not, it depends on your satisfactory - Too much information LOL

Double standard 

Nothing about Thai politics at all about the word 'Double standard' but it's the thing that really happens in Gay relationships
If it's Facebook, I'd say "click like if you have faced this situation!" 
So here is the situation;

One night, you were invited by a ton of your 'girl' friends and your boyfriend didn't want to go with out so you all ended up in DJ station. You had gone a little wild in there - like so wasted that you could not even conscious - At 5 am, you are back at your room. At the moment you opened the door, you had a little shock when you saw your boyfriend was sitting right on the couch in front of the door waiting for you. And you realized while you were even drunk that your boyfriend can burn you alive. Yeah, of course it took you 3 days to make up with him. 
Until a day, your boyfriend had to go out with his Thai friends to Dj station and one of his friends had mentioned about hot foreigners. Anyway not a single shit was given by you until 5 in the morning your boyfriend got back and there's something weird with him like he needed to spend a little time on the couch chatting on the phone without saying hi to you, "something must be really wrong!" And yeah you wanted to know what really happened, one way to get the answer was to ask, you were wrong, he didn't answer but shouted at you furiously. 

Now it's time for you to come to think "why??" 
"I can't be late but you can and I have no right to ask????" 

I have only one word for this thing "selfish"
Nothing more, nothing less - as instead of apologizing, he chose to shout at you to cover some mistakes he might make in DJ station. If he didn't really do anything wrong, he would just say sorry to you in some reason like "My friends wanted to go G.O.D, so I had to go with them and I was too wasted to call you" Well, there can be some other reasons that he shouted at you as well - the best thing to do is to talk with him when he's sober next morning or afternoon.

Alright guys, today I am really in a rush but I wanna share this thing for you all
I will come up for more later.

So have a lovely Thursday evening!


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