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Must-know facts about Thai gays (part III) - Drama Queen!


Hello gay guys!
It's been a long time since my last update for my blog! Today I had an experience to meet up with one of my best friends and we had really nice conversation about Thai guys. That conversation reminded me something that I MUST write on this blog so I came straight here in order to write this article which is about something you guys wouldn't want to experience that much in Thai guys. Yes! I am gonna talk about 'drama queen' thing.

If you have Thai boyfriend, I am quite sure that you've had this experience of some weird thing .

Why do they become Drama Queens?

First thing, gay people are still human beings, which means we still have feeling and conscience. It would be inevitable to become 'jealous' once you are made to believe that someone you are with is going to be with you forever and ever but later on he became different person.

Read carefully please focus on 'made to believe' and 'forever and ever'!

Yeah these 2 things are really related. Why? well, ALMOST of Thai gays are really good at making things up in their heads, and this is true! Whenever you draw them a castle in the air they usually think that the castle will be built real soon by you and DON'T ever say 'forever and ever' 'I love you forever' or any other words that you would say to please your boyfriend... never promise things you can never do. Those words will be imprinted in their brain and whatever you do to erase them... it's all in vain.

Why do I know? I was one of them before!

What would your boyfriend be like when he become a drama queen

Here are some symptoms or the signs showing that 'hey your boyfriend is a Drama Queen now! Congratulations!

1.) He would sit alone looking out the windows after you had done something HE THINKS it's wrong.

2.) He would usually talk to you sarcastically and in his conversation there would be a lot of times that he might mention your ex, the guys you have met or some of your friends. Just be aware, he kept his eyes on those guys!

3.) Whenever someone calls you, he would stop doing everything he was doing that time and secretly overhear your conversation on the phone while started to do his things again but slowly. If you walked away from him, he would think it's not a normal phone call, you might talk to someone else and the item no.2 will happen afterwards.

3.) He would update all of his social network statuses very often mostly in English and some are in Thai, and yeah, it was all directly about you.

4.) You would feel something wrong when he talked to you or talk to his friends about you. And believe me his friends wouldn't make things better.

5.) If you are a lucky guy, your boyfriend would be overly caring and he would do everything to make you feel great so you will be with him only and never think of any other guys.

How can you conquer this?

Here are things that you really HAVE to know once you want to settle down with a really really jealous boyfriend and you have to have your own space and social life as well.

1.) Just let the guy know, clear things up!
How? It does work all the time for 'conversation' Yes! you have to talk to your boyfriend, explain him about how your life works. Teach him something in a really really smooth way. Again, he would have some 'Iceberg cultural thing' in his head as he would have a ton of questions of why???? Now it's your job to read your boyfriend's mind or to make him feel relax to ask you.

2.) When you want to meet your 'thai' friends or whoever friends they are (in case your boyfriend is really overly attached boyfriend'
go back to read my previous article about Iceberg culture
Click here

3.) Learn how to control your emotion
Of course, whenever your boyfriend become a 'drama queen' he usually gets on your nerves, either intentionally or unintentionally, it will make things worse if you try to fight with him as he will think that you have already lost the 'love' you have promised give him 'forever and ever' and that is a real nightmare for you. He will start crying and post statuses on Facebook and when you ask what's going on, now you know what is gonna be right? he will answer 'nothing'
Well, the best thing to do is to make him feel like 'he is your world'

4.) Just leave him!
If you think all above are too much for you to do and it's too ridiculous to do such things for one person. Then it's so simple guys! Leave your boyfriend.
To be honest with you, I would probably leave my boyfriend (if have one) if someday he becomes a drama queen. You don't want a guy - even though he's your boyfriend - to be with you all the time, know every single thing you do and stop you from seeing other friends. I don't want it to happen so I would just recommend this one... leave him and be with me LOL But if you can take it then good luck!

As I always say that these facts are not true for every gay in Thailand but while you are reading this article and you are one of those who have Thai boyfriend, please think about your boyfriend if he is like that or not. Well, just try to take it not too serious ok? Things will get better in time if you are in the right time, right place and of course right person!

Have a wonderful lovely gay day guys!


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