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Why does my Thai boyfriend always lie to me?

Hey there!
As I've promised that I would write this blog more often and it's been a few days already so here I am again.
Recently, I've talked with a lot of my good friends (who are of course foreigners) and I've heard these surprisingly repeated stories - just same thing with different characters in the stories. Those stories are so typical and classic and they all are about one thing - LIES!

Today I want to write this entry in order to tell you guys how to tell when your thai boyfriend lies to you or not and how to deal with it when you know that your boyfriend chooses to lie to you.

If you have experienced lies either from you thai boyfriend or friends, you would probably know how it is like for their lies. There's a saying - If thai guy's penis was like Pinocchio's nose, it would be recorded as the tallest penis in the universe (well, quite unrated) 

Alright, the point is that - there are many reasons about why thai guys need to lie to you.

1.) To cover their mistake! 

Of course when you make mistake - it will irritate your mind especially when it is something that can cause some trouble with someone related to you or your loved one.

For thai guys, they always make up stories in their head about what would happen next if they tell you - and those stories are never good stories at all - to avoid the bat situation that they expect to happen, thai guys choose to lie instead of deal with some serious result that would come later and they would not like it.

To deal with this, there's only one way. You have to observe if something seems wrong with him after that you guys will need a soft core conversation. Try to make him feel like nothing really wrong (even though it is something you can exchange his life for) By this way he will slowly spit it (the truth) all out and you will find out what really happens there. Sometimes you need to get all the clues he expresses together and do some math or scientific experiment to find out the answer. I am sure you can cope with it but remember "calm down and do your game best"! 

2.) To avoid difficult or 'face-lose' situation 

I've mentioned before about some kind of 'Lose Face' things in earlier entry, I am quite sure you understand what Face-lose really is.

Alright let's get straight to the point. I will give you an example situation about a fruit stand again (the reason I mention about fruit stand is that because I experienced it before LOL) so like you and your thai boyfriend want to have watermelon and your boyfriend ordered it for you. However, with or without bad communication, the fruit seller gave you pineapple and you hate pineapple. Your thai boyfriend didn't want any bad situation or face-losing time so he lied to you that he ordered for himself and he was gonna order watermelon for you. Later on, you realised that your thai boyfriend also hates pineapple but he had to eat it because he didn't want you to question anything.

To cope with this? Well, dilemma is something all people hate only it is pretty intense for thai people. There are a few ways out of this;
- Try to teach your boyfriend slowly about how to stop being afraid of losing face by gaining his self-confidence, which will totally reduce his fear of losing face for sure.
- If the above way takes too long time just try to understand him. Don't just be angry with something that doesn't go in your way right away it makes him paranoid. Just learn how to let it go. Just like fruit stand situation - you can simply just tell him that he doesn't need to eat it just throw it away or give it to someone else. You know what to do to relax your boyfriend.

3.) To impress you, everyone and to be diluted 

Some people want to be accepted or to be higher than any other people. By doing that, they made some story about themselves to tell people - most of those stories are all about how amazing they are whether it is partly true or not true at all.

When your boyfriend starts with something incredible about himself and you know that he is lying you, you will - of course - lose respect in him as the more he talks about that the more he sounds diluted and fake. One thing you have to keep in your mind about those lies - They want attentions!

Yes to solve this, just ignore it, pay less attention or just change the topic when your boyfriend starts it. The more you do that to him, the less he will lie about his diluted stories. Not only just ignoring or paying less attention, you should also make him feel like the way he is, is so damn cool that you always melt every time you think about him. This will incredibly increase his self-confidence and become real.

I hope my entry this time would be either helpful or knowledgable for you all - I understand your suffer on lies that thai guys keep manufacturing for you every single damn day! But please remember some lie is intended and some is not just don't take it too serious. I'd say white lie or small lie is part of our culture already - it's because of the cultural classic excuse - KRENG JAI!

Have a wonderful gay weekend!
Scotty xoxo


  1. Hi, so me and my boyfriend broke up exactly a 4 months ago. I have been feeling very low because of this as we were very close and have been going out a year and had no problems. He had told me that he had depression and stuff and I tried to help him by always telling him I was there for him and giving him advice. Then he turned around one day and told me he couldn’t cope with being in the relationship anymore. Prior to this we had a small disagreement but nothing you would break up over. My aunt advice to me, that I should look for help in magic. I looking for a website with love spells that work fasts. I choose and I’m very satisfied. Boyfriend back to me and his depression is over.


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