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What should you do once you move to Thailand

Good morning guys!
I am finally back to sit down in front of my computer now! 

Alright, many of you who are reading my blog right now might be living in Thailand right now or you guys would call yourselves "expat" which means that you might already know lots of things here in the land of smile.

However, there are some of our people who really fancy to come to live here with many reasons.

I've got a chance to meet someone who just moved here for a couple of weeks, of course, everything in this city is totally new for him especially the culture and life style - luckily it is in Bangkok so things are not really much different from where he used to live before - Europe.

There were tons of questions coming out from him with his skeptical and wondering look in the eyes, I totally understand how he felt.

Why do people here always smile? Why are all gay guys friendly? Why are there Money boys? and how would I know who is money boys?

With those questions, I really wanna spend a week answering him but it is better to share these answers with you guys so that you know what to do when you just moved here.

I wouldn't wanna explain you about thai culture as it is something that you have to sense by yourselves but I'd love to start with something very basic - life style.

Thai people appear to be outgoing but introvert at first couple of minutes you meet them. With our culture, you might get shocked with how nosy thai people can become when they are around you. It is not meant to be something bad it is just us, trying to care of anything involving us. If you have a chance to go to rural place, you will feel so nervous from their stares. The reason? it is because in such rural place, they don't get to see people who has blonde hair, long beautiful nose and blue eyes like you guys before. And remember, your western look is a real plus - they love it and they wanna look at you as much as they can. It will give you such an annoying feeling but after a while living in this country you will find out that it is something really common.

Same way with thai gay guys, many of us, especially I, so love the look of you guys. Not trying to
stereotype as a lot of my friends asked me why I do not find thai guys attractive. Well, it is the way it is when I am from rural city and never got to see people looking like you guys. Plus, my society has been putting all informations in my head that western look is the best. But don't worry, I have educated myself that I should look into your personality more than your look. SO please don't be surprised when you get online on Grindr and there are like 100+ messages in your inbox - please note that you are living in the right country.

One other thing I wanna talk about living your gay life in this country. As you know that you are good looking and it is human nature that when you know that you are good-looking you wanna check that out. We are well-known for having high rates of hooking-up activities and with that activity, comes the higher rate of HIV infectees.

I understand the whole concept of one-night stand. Sex is part of our lives but it doesn't mean that you don't have to protect yourself at all. Imagine, not being offensive, consider thai guys are like public toilet - some of them have cleaner who takes care of their hygienic condition and some of them are there for being used only. You have no idea, who has used them before and how dirty it could become. What you have to do is to keep yourself safe and clean.

I think it is something you should not ignore at all.

For money boy issue, this can be explained with another 10 entries as it is really complicated and some information can be vague to understand.

For the reason I am so sure why there are a lot of money boys here and why do they become ones, is that, most of them are from rural cities - OK if you think about that stop right there, I am not a money boy - which means their parents get paid really low and to afford things they want, they have to find their sponsor(s) with their hot time in exchange - some of them are hot I'd say.

How would you be able to notice who is money boy?

Money boys usually have really uncompleted fashion, life styles and ways of speaking. I am so sorry if it may bring some conflicts but that is what I've always noticed this thing for many years. They try to look good with their mixture of clothes between city boy style and their homie style - this you have to take time to notice unless you are fashionista. And I am not saying that I dress nicely but way much better than them.

For their life style, they usually work in some places where they don't get paid a lot - I am not gonna name any place tho - but at night you will see they usually show up with their fancy look and expense staff... and their sponsors. As their sponsors are usually looking desperately old and ugly - again no offense - you will automatically know that there's something financial involved with that kind of love.

The last thing is how they speak, even tho thai people don't speak really good English but many gay guys struggle themselves so hard to be able to communicate with you but money boys, they don't care at all. They only know "I no have money", "my mom sick, wants money" - Money money money... yes thats why they are called money boys. The way they speak to you will always involve how desperate their lives are, how poor their families are and they will always make you wanna support them. Please don't get in their traps! What you have to do is to politely get away from them.

Alright, all of information above may sound a bit offending, insulting or unfair for some of thai guys but I wanna say that I don't have any problem with them at all - it is how they live their lives but I don't want you all to trap in such desperate moment and all of pictures in this entry with some thai guys in them - those guys are not money boys or some dangerous people - I credit these pics for google.

I'm looking forward to writing more about these things soon. It got me started with this entry!

Have a fab gay days!


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